The Breathe Well academy

your Wellness begins with Your breath.

Welcome to The Breathe Well Academy

Discover the 'why' behind waking up tired and learn actionable steps to break free from this exhausting cycle with The Breathe Well Academy's workshops and classes. Our expert-led sessions focus on improving breathing techniques, enhancing sleep quality, and empowering you and your family to wake up ready to THRIVE.

Upcoming Courses & Workshops

  • Journey to Breathing Wellness: Elevate your wellness with Nasal Breathing

    Coming Summer 2024

    Are you ready to unlock the power of your breath? In this comprehensive 5-week course, we dive into the transformative Buteyko Method, a proven approach to enhance your well-being through the mastery of nasal breathing.

    What to Expect:

    ๐Ÿ”นGuided Breathing Exercises: Engage in a series of guided exercises crafted to decongest the nose, transition to nasal breathing, and restore functional breathing patterns.

    ๐Ÿ”นImmediate Application: Experience tangible improvements in your breathing and overall health within days. From easier breathing, a calmer mind, and deeper sleep to increased energy and reduced asthma symptoms, the benefits are profound and immediate.

    ๐Ÿ”นSimple Techniques: Discover straightforward techniques easily incorporated into your daily routine. These exercises are accessible to all adults regardless of age or health and all children over five years of age.

    Why It Matters:

    Breathing patterns play a pivotal role in our health. By addressing poor breathing habits, we alleviate airway constriction, enhance blood circulation, and optimize oxygen delivery throughout the body.

    Join us on this empowering journey to unlock the full potential of your breath and elevate your wellness to new heights. Let's breathe better, live better, and thrive together.


    Are you a parent struggling with your child's behavior or restless sleep? Do you desire a solution that promotes calmness, enhances focus, and ensures a peaceful night's sleep for your little one? In this workshop for parents, you'll discover how breathing shapes your child's behavior, facial structure, dental health, airway development, and sleep quality.

    What to Expect:

    ๐Ÿ”น Understanding the Root Cause: Gain insight into likely underlying reasons behind your child's behavior and sleep challenges, exploring how oral and nasal breathing patterns affect facial development, dental health, and overall wellness.

    ๐Ÿ”น Guided Breathing Exercises for Your Child: Engage in a series of carefully crafted exercises designed to introduce nasal breathing, calm the mind, and improve sleep quality for your child.

    ๐Ÿ”น Simple Techniques: Discover straightforward techniques that can be easily integrated into your child's daily routine. These techniques are suitable for children ages 5 and up.

    Why It Matters:

    Breathing patterns significantly influence a child's well-being. By addressing breathing habits early on, we can help calm behavioral issues, improve focus, and promote overall health and happiness for your child.

    Join us for our limited availability workshop, coming Summer /Fall 2024, to unlock the full potential of your child's breath and pave the way for a brighter, more peaceful future. Let's help your child thrive, one breath at a time. Sign up for the waitlist now to secure your spot in our next workshop!


    Are restless nights and disrupted sleep patterns robbing you of vitality and energy during the day? Discover the key to unlocking nighttime wellness with our transformative workshop, "Breathing Well to Sleep Well."

    What to Expect:

    ๐Ÿ”น Understanding the Root Cause: Dive into the underlying factors contributing to your sleep disturbances, including snoring, teeth grinding, and jaw pain. Learn how nasal breathing and simple myofunctional therapy techniques can alleviate these issues and promote restful sleep.

    ๐Ÿ”น Practical Techniques: Acquire simple yet effective techniques to enhance your breathing patterns, reduce snoring, and alleviate teeth grinding and jaw pain, ensuring a more rejuvenating night's sleep.

    ๐Ÿ”น Guided Breathing Exercises: Embark on a journey of guided breathing exercises tailored to promote relaxation, optimize airflow, and enhance sleep quality, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

    Why It Matters:

    Quality sleep is essential for overall well-being, impacting your physical, mental, and emotional health. By addressing breathing-related issues and optimizing your sleep environment, you can unlock the secret to nighttime wellness and enjoy rejuvenating sleep every night.

    Join us for this limited sleep-focused workshop, this coming Fall/Winter 2024 to harness the power of nasal breathing and elevate your sleep quality. Let's breathe well to sleep well and awaken each day rejuvenated and ready to seize life with energy and inner calm.